Sunday, January 01, 2006

have you ever?

Have you ever forgotten you exist? It's an amazing feeling. You can be sitting and watching something and you're so focussed on the thing you're watching you just forget you exist. It comes as a shock to you when you realise you have a physical form. While you've forgotten you feel as if you could go anywhere, do anything and it's ok because everything is so calm. It's amazing. Have you ever felt that?


Blogger FreeWildebeest said...

I think I have, but it's always the case that when I realise the amazingness of it that I remember I have a body and then that feeling goes :(

8:43 AM  
Blogger Dauve said...

Nope, can't say I have.

Seems like I'm missing out.

10:20 AM  
Blogger HHM said...

Yes. When I am deep in meditation, when I am reading philosophy in a cafe, when I am holding someone I am in love with, or when I am listening to Mozart. But for me, it's more of a realisation of absolute harmony. I exist, but that entity that is 'I' is pure unconditioned consciousness. For a moment, it's like my physical body and the conditioned world around me dissolves into an insignificant flux, leaving behind the fundamental eternal interconnectedness of myself and the infinite plurality of other selves. In meditation, this feeling is just timeless and calm. When reading in a cafe, this feeling is associated with a sense of profound understanding and transcendental wisdom. When holding someone I am in love with, this feeling is fantastical and ecstatic. When listening to Mozart, this feeling is dreamy and my senses are not afraid to be carried away by my emotions. Crazy? Yes. I admit to that unashamedly.

7:03 AM  
Blogger HHM said...

Yes exactly. All mental. But what is real is manifest in the mental. Otherwise it is only ideal...

Ok, enough metaphysics from me.

9:47 AM  

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