As the name suggests I have decided to tell you some of my actions in the most gorgeous little London. Many of you do not live in London anymore so I will have to explain some things.(Why would you want to NOT live in London?)
So, you all (hopefully) know the Tate Modern- former power station, on the Thames south bank. Currently an exhibition of the work of a Mr Carsten Höller. It consists of five massive slides, all of which are open for the public to use.
I woke up normal time (about 9ish) and started having breakfast before realising it was a silly idea and putting it back in the fridge. So I finished filling in an application form (I'm trying to get a Christmas job) and put on shoes, etc. Then I doodled off to the Tate with mother and brothers. We went on the slides and it was very fun. There was a lot of queuing but I suppose that doesn't matter.
As always with modern art, the question arises: is this art? The slides are very pretty in a metallic and twisty way. The angles they make with their surroundings are very pretty too. But, art should do more than just be pretty, no? I mean, some of the best art is not pretty, just very expressive.