Saturday, March 25, 2006

and now for something completely different...

Monty Python films! Ah, they're fantastic, are they not?

At 1am tonight it will suddenly be 2am. No, the world is not timetravelling (how can it?) it is simply jumping to make up for hours. The point is: as of tomorrow we will be awake while the sun is up more! Oh yes, this means we can see more of our gorgous London. We can spend more time waiting for buses in daylight. We can even sit inside and hide from the daylight for more time (because you guys, presumably, sleep until after the sun has risen. shocking, I know).

Any Metro readers might already have been amused by this but I want to share it...hippopotomonstrosesquippedialiophobia is the fear of long words. Brilliant, don't you think?

Other news include my not-emo-ness, despite popular belief... and a request. This is a very plaintive and special request. I request all readers who read this before tomorrow to go to bed early, because (as I mentionned earlier) the clocks are moving, and it will not do for you all to be tired and asleep during the daylight hours which have been presented to us. We should all egt up and dance in the sunlight...yeah...maybe not...April soon. EEK!

Bon nuit. Je vous aime.


Blogger FreeWildebeest said...

Yay for April! I'm now, for once, really looking forward to April; it's going to stop being a nothing month.

I swear the clocks used to change at 2am to 3am, but oh well.

It does mean that my attempts to photograph dawn are going to be considerably harder! (I have no idea how I'm going to do it!)

2:01 AM  
Blogger sarah hb said...

I did one of those surveys once and it said I was an 'emo'. Swear I'm not though :P hehe

2:02 PM  
Blogger Kirsten said...

Yay for April! ay for sunlight!

12:33 PM  

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