Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sleep, Hunger, Crying, Coffee, Breakfast! and m...m...mocks

I have recently made a discovery. Sleep is actually not necessary! You CAN survive easily on as little as 3 hours a night, providing you maintain your caffeine and energy levels. It's fantastic.
Last night/this morning (depending on how you look at it...it was before I went to bed so last night) a very rare occurrence occurred. I was sitting on my bed contemplating stuff and watching a story in my head, when I noticed a strange feeling in my stomach. Normally I ignore feelings in my stomach as much as I can, they're not usually good things. But this feeling was entirely different from any feeling I'd felt in a long time so I began to wonder what it was. It wasn't pain of any sort, nor was it a temperature or wriggly thing. After about twenty minutes of thinking it struck me. The feeling I was feeling was hunger! I was very excited by this. I sat there for a couple of minutes treasuring the hunger feeling, it's really quite nice, isn't it? I then realised that when you're hungry you're meant to eat so I reached for my carrot/apple bag, which was sadly devoid of any carrots and apples, due to me having eaten them all and not brought any more. Inside the bag I had three oranges, which I skinned and ate, whilst watching my hamster play in his cage. Having completed this task I drank some water (another rare occurrence) and considered actually going to bed. It was about 2h30 when all these events finished and I figured I might as well try to sleep. I actually got to sleep really quickly, it only took about half an hour, ish. I was so proud of myself. Anyway, yeah. That was my adventure of the night. It was one of the best feelings I've had all year. I hope I get hungry again soon.
This morning I got up at six to get back into school hours again and to walk Henry to the bus stop. He informed me he did not wish to be escorted to the bus stop so I woke Luke up and we messed about for a bit. He made me cry! I was drinking coffee and juggling. He was eating breakfast and drinking tea (I'm a bad influence on him). He said, "Wouldn't it be really funny if you dropped a juggling ball in your coffee!" Not really thinking, I replied, "Yup." "There would be coffee all over the floor!" He said. I dropped the juggling balls and started to cry. It's pathetic really. But how could be so callous as to even think of spilt coffee on the floor? Yeah, it was sad.
Oooh! And I had breakfast! In the morning! I'm so good. I had a curry sandwich and it was YUMMY! Not so impressively I had already drunk two cups of very strong coffee by 8 o'clock. Normally I try to wait until 11 to have my second cup. But I'd boiled the kettle to make Luke's tea so I figured I might as well have some more. I do like coffee.
ANYWAY! I'd best be off back to my history revision. Mocks tomorrow! EEK! hehe.


Blogger Hele said...

Ah, but as everyone really knows, it isn't really morning until 4.30. Before then, it's still night, which is linked to the day before.
And mocks are fine. They don't really mean anything. They're just like every other set of exams that you've ever done, except that you get study leave for them.

3:36 AM  
Blogger Kirsten said...

Yep, mocks don't matter. The only point in them is to scare you into working for the real things.
And yes, hunger can be a really good feeling.

10:03 AM  
Blogger Dauve said...

You had a curry sandwich for breakfast?

What's wrong with cereal like everyone else? :D

But I suppose the fact you ate breakfast at all has to be a good thing.

10:05 AM  

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