Monday, November 07, 2005


Evenin' all. I must say despite being very busy recently I have very little to say.

Last night (or the early hours of the morning. I can't remember exactly but it was pretty early) I was very proud and (dare I say it) happy (no, that's an exageration, but I was close) because I finished my Physics Coursework and have to do NO MORE physics coursework EVER AGAIN!!! I did it all last night and I think it has been done to a reasonable standard. Of course when I get it back I will know otherwise but I tried damned hard and I hope I did alright.

I brought some StarWars cards which are the most exciting thing I've brought in ages. If I remember they will make an appearance at the Banquet this weekend. I also brought some fudge but that got my defence there were four of us.

Other news....I'm singing in a concert on Wednesday which will be fun. I'm showing my drama devising piece on Thursday. So my hours are full of musical and dramamtic practise. Also I have a piece of maths coursework due in on the 17th which I need to get on with. But I think that's pretty much it.

I love StarWars!!! and coffee...oh coffee....


Blogger FreeWildebeest said...

Yay for Starwars and yay for coffee. I almost thought that you'd got to the end of a post without mentioning coffee, but I'm glad you didn't disappoint.

Oh the joy of doing your last ever bit of physics coursework, it's such a liberating feeling, you can stop thinking of everything as just being boxes and points.

4:40 PM  

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