Monday, October 17, 2005

Potatoes! Icecream! Squirrels! Fairy cakes! (which is the odd one out?)

(Answer: none of the above. All were big factors in the day's adventuring.)

So, I have had a most interesting day today. Rose arrived. I scared her by saying hello from above (there is a window above the front door-good for scaring people!) and let her in, though the door...not the window. I set about producing lunch (I had promised her) and proving to her my culinary wizardary. Due to some unfortunate events (me deciding to cook being the main one) we ate fried poatoes and carrot. It was ... interesting. Edible, so I proved my worth. :) Then we went downstairs and she met my gorgeous Cake (the hamster). He was loved all round. After that we decided to go out on the common, as it was such a lovely day. Icecream was brought and we tottered off to the daisy hill, which was sadly devoid of daisies (due to the time of year). We sat on some stratigicly placed logs and began to eat our icecream. When suddenly we were visited by a most hansome little squirrel. He came up to us and sniffed. So Rose promptly gave him an icecream lid and he joined our party. He seemed to like the ice cream very much and was provided with another lid. After finishing this he ate little bits of our icecreams until attacked by a bunch of screaming children. But this squirrel came unbeievably close to us! We named him 'Mr Rose-Emmie' and he became a much-loved part of our icecream picnic society. Then we went back to my house and made fairy cakes! The recipe was a little off because we did it from my memory- and we all know that's not all too good. Then, once the cakes were cooked we made icing! And when we made icing we made lots of icing! Six different colours! All bright and beautiful! It was fantabulous! (If I get round to it before they're all eaten I will take a picture and find out how to load it on.) Once everything was cool and dry, and we'd done the washing up (lots of it too- but brothers helped), we had a civilised tea and cakes. Highly enjoyable. Then it was sadly time for Rose to go. So I took her home (she needs to be looked after). But then I had to walk home in the dark all on my own and it was a little bit scary. (Especially cos someone was murdered in the area just 2 days ago. So I was being very alert and tense. I walked along and I thought about some lovely people and their brilliant hugging abilities. It cheered me up a bit. But not as much as seeing them. . .


Blogger Dauve said...

Now that does sound like a busy day.

I think getting a picture of these fairy cake type things would be a pretty cool idea.

1:39 PM  
Blogger titch said...

I've taken a picture but forgotten how to get it onto the computer...this may take a while

1:42 PM  
Blogger Chard said...

Interesting day sounding...

I once met a squirrel

8:10 AM  

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