Monday, May 15, 2006

My Recent Thievings!

Being the thieving little dog that I am, I have stolen this of Helen, who stole it off Sophie. I do hope nobody minds. However, now this seems like a good idea to contribute to the blog without extensive effort and thinking.

Six things in your room:
1. Cake, my hamster. He is so gorgeous sometimes I wish I was a hamster so I could make sweet hamster love to him. As it is I'll have to make do with men...or women...
2. My CD rack- for music.
3. Piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar and drumkit! All old and slightly worn out but they are alright things and they make enough noise to keep me happy.
4. My candle by which I can write candlelit letters...and burn things!
5. My school bag and school stuff- essential for school stuff.
6. My little set of drawers which contain all sorts of treasures- letters, beads, needles, pills, pens, etc

Six things you say most:
1. Woo yay!
2. Je ne suis pas pret!
3. Attends!
4. Je t'aime.
5. Sorry.
6. What day is it? What am I doing? (variants of this)

Six things you can't live without:
4. BUSES- because I spend my life on them.
5. Means of communication- internet, postal service, etc
6. Hugs

Have you ever:
1. been out of the country? Yep
2. Been to a bonfire? Yes! One with petrol! You should not trust an 11 year old Emmie with a petrol can!
3. Broken a bone? Arm while falling off a big rock. Collar bone while playing rugby (real, not tag)
4. Had a dream come true? No, thank God!
5. Had a crush? Just a couple :-)
6. Run away from home? Not on my feet.

Six things in the last 24 hours:
1. Been confused? Yup.
2. Cried? Not that I remember....
3. Felt stupid? All the time!
4. Missed someone? Yes!
5. Sang? Of course.
6. Talked to an ex? In the past 24 hours... maybe just...

Wahey! I finished! Aren't I good.


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